April 14, 2016

To get the best outcomes with students (and yourself!), here are my top 3 code teaching tips:
1- Write real code, not ‘lego’ code.
2- Use real coding tools, not code simulators.
3- Build real projects from start to finish.
1. Write real code, not ‘lego’ code
A funny thing happens when students write real code: they start to learn not only how to code, but they learn the concepts behind the code. What I’ve seen over the years is that trying to hide the code from students with block based code teaching tools slows the learning process.
You have to write code to learn to code.
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January 20, 2014
Learning to code has all kinds of benefits … even for those who don’t necessarily plan on becoming full time nerds: Builds analytical skills Trains your brain to think in a logical way Teaches organizational skills That said, when it comes to actual web design or programming, the recent awareness of the importance of code …
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January 19, 2013
The word-wrap property is supported by all major browsers – and IE. There may not be a huge need for this feature in the English language, there aren’t too many overly long words, but then, it also depends on the size of the container.
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January 19, 2013
Text Shadow is another fun little CSS3 feature that makes things so much easier – for most of us, anyway. There’s bad news for IE users: Text shadow feature is NOT supported by any version of Internet Explorer at this time.
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December 28, 2012
Transform is yet another cool, new toy for our webdesign toy chest. Gone are the days of having to use a graphics editor to create certain effects. Now we can turn, spin, stretch, scale, and move things around with the CSS ‘transform’ property alone.
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March 22, 2011
On a website, you often have different groups of links that may not all supposed to be looking the same. Usually, you’ll have navigation links and possibly some links within your content at a minimum.
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March 22, 2011
It’s true: Your navigation items are really a LIST. Bread, Milk, Sugar, Coffee, Home, Contact Us, About, Cheese, Tomatoes, Sitemap. See, it’s a LIST!! And it should be coded and styled like a list. It’s easy.
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March 22, 2011
We’ve already discussed navigation lists and list bullet images, but sometimes, a list is just a list. There are two types – the ordered list and the unordered list. The ordered list counts the items; the unordered list marks the individual items with bullets or other markers. The HTML is simple.
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March 22, 2011
Centering text and other elements can easily be done with the CSS text-align property. It can be applied to a division, the p tag – pretty much any block-level element.
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March 22, 2011
At times, it makes more sense to use background images than to insert them directly into the page. And while each element – like your body tag – can hold only one background image, they can be applied to several elements.
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