More Web Design Tutorials


How to Teach Code with Chromebooks

February 15, 2016

The best way to teach code, is to have students write code with real code editors. … You’re not going to teach people how to play guitar, without the main tool of the trade – a guitar. Same goes for coding, students should be using the tools that coders use – a code editor. How …

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Teach Code without Knowing how to Code.

February 11, 2016


It’s really hard to teach web design if you don’t know how to code … until now!

Studioweb allows teachers to take on the role of a classroom facilitator, as students learn to code with the tools that coders use, while building real websites and web apps that work on both smartphones and traditional computers.

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New JavaScript course is live.

January 28, 2016


My new JavaScript course is now live on Studioweb. If you are looking to teach programming, JavaScript is a great choice … actually, I would argue that JavaScript is the number one choice.

Like with all the new Studioweb courses, they come packed with quiz questions, code challenges and assignments.


Stefan Mischook

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New CSS course is out!

January 25, 2016



It only took a month or so, but my new Beginners CSS course is live on Studioweb. This is an interactive video-and-quiz based course that teaches not only the basics of CSS, you will also learn CSS layout techniques and CSS3.


Stefan Mischook

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New Beginners CSS course out VERY soon!

August 26, 2015

Hi! Just a quick update, the new CSS course should be live by the end of the week. We are just putting the finishing touches on it. Notes: – it has 98 lessons – 8 1/2 hours of video (average video is 5 1/2 minutes) – 301 quiz questions These new courses are the best …

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Rave reviews for Studioweb

August 24, 2015

Hi! Nearly 4 years in development, working with dozens of schools and many more teachers, Studioweb is the best system out there to learn web development with. But that only makes sense! Studioweb has been developed by one of the original web development teachers in the world! … That me! I’ve been teaching web design …

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Beginners HTML – Lesson #4

July 30, 2015

I just released my new Beginners HTML 2015 course on

Here is video lesson #4 of 57 video lessons – the code behind the pages:

The video lessons are only one part of the training package. My courses include:

  1. Interactive gaming environment – track your progress, unlock chapters and badges.
  2. To reinforce the lessons, we provide hundreds of quiz and code challenge questions.
  3. Support material for teachers and parents.

… And more.

Studioweb has subscription options for schools and individuals. Please feel free to contact me if you any questions.


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Beginners HTML – lesson #3

July 26, 2015


I just released my new Beginners HTML 2015 course on

Here is video lesson #3 of 57 video lessons – the code behind the pages:

The video lessons are only one part of the training package. My courses include:

  1. Interactive gaming environment – track your progress, unlock chapters and badges.
  2. To reinforce the lessons, we provide hundreds of quiz and code challenge questions.
  3. Support material for teachers and parents.

… And more.

Studioweb has subscription options for schools and individuals. Please feel free to contact me if you any questions.


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