Setting up a coding environment for the classroom.
April 2, 2018
One of the hardest aspects of getting a coding classroom up and running, is just getting the software installed on the workstation. After considering a many options, we decided to go with the web coding languages, since all computers already have the software you need.
To teach HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, all you need is a web browser (Chrome, Firefox etc …) and the built-in simple text editor that comes with Windows, Macs and Chromebooks.
… No need to install software!
HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, have all you need!
Another advantage of teaching code with the web languages, is that they are the most important languages in coding today. With the web languages, you can teach students to all the major coding / programming concepts, as they learn the most popular languages used in industry today.
With HTML5 and CSS3, students learn what is called ‘client side’ coding. They will learn how the visual parts of programs are created. These concepts are universal; so once they learn user interface creation with HTML5 and CSS3, they will know how it is done in just about all programming languages.